Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails

Drinks From the Past for the Future

Sour Mix

2014-12-15 Ingredients Tarus

Sour mix is such an overused cocktail ingredient that the Vintage Cocktail book expressly states it won’t be used (but one exception is The Fogcutter). However, homemade sour mix is much different than the sickly sweet stuff you usually get in a bar, so here is the recipe I use:


  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1 cup fresh lime juice

Make a simple syrup with the water and sugar. Off heat stir in the lemon and lime juices

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Orange Tincture

2014-11-29 Ingredients Tarus

In my research into vintage cocktails you sometimes come across an ingredient that simply can’t be purchased anymore. In those cases you either search for a substitute or make one. As part of a recipe I need something called “orange tincture”.


  • Fill half of a jar with dried orange peel
  • Fill remainder of jar with high-proof vodka (such as Smirnoff Blue Label)

Let sit for two months. Strain and filter

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